The treasure trunk is about to open for all to browse through! I have been collecting on trips through small towns and cannot wait to share some of my finds. In this blog, I plan to feature items; but what will really be fun, will be to share information and stories about small towns and little known places.
Almost everywhere there are fascinating tales from current times or from times past that absolutely need to be shared. I also plan to feature other antique stores, flea markets, estate liquidations and other unique sales in some of these small towns.
Launching an online store has been an adventure in learning. I now have a greater understanding about domains, web hosting and such. Learning to do something new has always been fun for me and this has been a great experience. Now to take it to the next level, right?
Keep up with me as I increase my inventory since there will be trips to more small towns in my future!! What fun it is getting to look along the way -- never knowing what I'll find or what customers will find to be a "must have" item. So get ready to browse along with me and check in often as new vintage finds are added.
Can't wait to hear from your as you visit Small Town Antiques!